Available testing options:
CEN4GEN provides a very comprehensive assortment of testing options for the analysis of more than 3000 clinical disorders which have a genetic basis. We offer:
- single gene analysis
- multi gene panel analysis
- single gene deletion/duplication analysis
- multi gene panel deletion/duplication analysis
- customized testing
- known mutation analysis
We offer testings for prenatal genetic, preimplantation genetic, somatic genetic, infertility genetic, newborn genetic, post natal genetic, as well as adult genetic diagnostic applications.
We use a variety of methods, including:
- Next generation sequencing
- Array CGH
- Array SNP
- Computational analysis of next generation sequencing data to ascertain regions of structural and copy number variations
- Sanger sequencing
- Pyrosequencing
Specimen requirements:
Germline conditions:
2 vials of whole blood in EDTA, or saliva collected in a collection tube approved by CEN4GEN or 3 to 5 ug of DNA in TE buffer.
For FISH analysis, 2 vials of whole blood in Heparin is required.
Somatic conditions:
1 FFPE block or 15 to 20 FFPE slides or frozen tissue/cell pellet. Contact CEN4GEN for more information.
Contact CEN4GEN for more information regarding the specimen requirements for other testing applications (such as prenatal, preimplantation, etc).
Requesting a test:
To learn more, you must contact CEN4GEN for more information, and we will evaluate your testing needs on a case by case basis. You will need to send us the following information regarding your testing request:
a) name of condition (if known)
b) name of gene(s) (if known)
c) type of testing request (if known)