Toll free: 1-844-CEN4GEN OR 1-844-236- 4436

Contact CEN4GEN at 1-844-CEN4GEN or write to [email protected].
CEN4GEN will provide step-by-step instructions on how to order a test for your patient, and including pricing and the relevant test requisition and patient consent forms. We provide you and your patients consultation support from our experienced and licensed panel of clinicians including: genetic counselors, clinical geneticists and pharmacists who have experience in genomic medicine. We further use advanced telehealth technologies to provide you access to our clinical consultation support to any location you may reside in and with multi-language support.
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) generally prevents health insurance providers from discriminating against DNA testing / genetic testing results. You should contact your local provincial/state representatives to learn how you and your patient are protected by GINA. CEN4GEN diagnostic genetic testing services for health purposes may be covered by some private medical insurance programs. It is the patient’s responsibility to verify what is covered by his/her private health insurance plan concerning reimbursement of genetic testing services for health purposes. CEN4GEN will issue a receipt for its service to the patient which may be used for submission to their private health insurance plan for reimbursement. Furthermore, clinicians in consultation with their patients can apply to their respective provincial or governmental health services to cover costs for CEN4GEN diagnostic genetic services. CEN4GEN does not make any claim of guarantee that any or all of its genetic testing services for health purposes can be reimbursed through your private health insurance plan, or provincial/governmental health services.

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