CEN4GEN® is the first private commercial provider in Canada to develop and launch several proprietary and certain unique testing options, which have relevance to DNA testing / Genetic testing / Genome Medicine / Precision Medicine / Personalized Medicine / Preventive Medicine for:
- Clinical Whole genome / Personal Whole Genome (genomics based)
- Newborn screen (genomics based)
- Most comprehensive list of medications in pharmacogenomic/pharmacogenetics screen (genomics based)
- Cancer precision medicine (genomics based)
- Clinical metagenomics (genomics based)
- Preimplantation testing with full gene panel / exome / whole genome screening (genomics based)
- Liquid biopsy for certain diagnostic applications (genomics based)
- Genomics based combined molecular diagnostic testing and customized companion diagnostics including for cardiovascular, cancer, neurodegenerative, and neurological disorders